Short introduction about Golf


Golf is for many an enigma and that’s because they know only few things about the origins of this sport. Golf is a game where the ball is hit with the putter  in a specially designed area called “teeing ground”, to another area, which includes a cup (hole) called the “putting green”. The scope of the game is to bring the ball from the teeing ground to the green from as few as possible strokes. A round means to go trough all 18th grounds.

We have two main ways of winning.  In the first one the winner is nominated according to the holes won or lost (match play). At the second one the winner is nominated according to how many shots were needed to complete a round(stroke play).

The fields are basically similar but different as aspect. A game takes about 4 hours and the distance is about 7-8 km. The amateurs need around 100 stokes to finish.

There is a “handicap” system where you as a beginner have the chance to beat a more experimented player then you. For example you can have up to 54 extra strokes  against a very good player that has handicap 0.

The handicap improves in time after results in several races and the target is 0. At the beginning is much easier. Only 25% of beginners manage to go under 20. For women and children the field can be shortened.

According to the length of the field is calculated the ideal number of shots to reach the hole.

If you finish with the ideal number of shots it’s called par, one less is birdie(-1), two less is eagle, then is albatross and condor. A shot more is called bogey then it comes double, triple and quadruple bogey.

The origin of golf is still not clear. There is a theory that said that the golf was started by Romans. Another theory stated that the game originates from China. Other theory sustain that the game originates from “Low Countries”.

As you can see it’s hard to figure out how and when it appeared but one thing is certain:this game is older than many other sports and it’s no wonder that these days is so practiced. The businessman are those who use this sport as a way of relaxing or for discussion about their business.

To become a successful golfer, you must first master the technical aspects of the golf swing. There are many theories and teaching methods as to the correct way to swing a golf club, but these may only end up confusing you. You should try and read as many golf swing tips as possible as to become completely accustomed to the intricacies that make up powerful yet controlled swing of a golf club.



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