More spactacular goals at World Cup 2010 because of ‘Jabulani’ ball?


The World Cup in South Africa is ready to begin, and as it was expected some critics appeared. One of them is related to “Jabulani”, the World Cup ball.

“Jabulani”, which means to celebrate in isiZulu, one of South Africa languages,  will be the only ball used at this World Cup tournament.

The ball has been tested since December as Adidas said, but the critics appeared recently. Top goalkeepers like Buffon, Cassilas or Julio Cesar said that the ball will be a nightmare for goalkeepers and that we might see spectacular goals in South Africa.

But not only goalkeepers complained about the ball, stikers like Pazzini or Gomez said that the ball is hard to control especially in the air.

The ball has a different weight that the others and the effects are changing based on altitude and climate.

Adidas responded to the critics saying that the ball was tested and approved long time ago. They also said that every World Cup participant teams received the ball in order to get used to the ball.

The World Cup games will start on 11 and to the delight of the fans we hope to be a ‘one hell of show’.



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