How to improve your cycling performances with Garmin Edge 500 Bundle


The Garmin Edge 500 Bundle is a small gadget which should be used by any professional cyclist but not only. Once you get used with it you will probably take it with you every time you go for a ride.

The Garmin Edge 500 bundle has the advantage that is very small, weights just a few grams but contains a lot of useful information.

The gadgets shows information about the trip, like distance, altitude, speed,climb, but also about the cyclist. It measures the heartbeats or burnt calories.

The small gadget is easy to connect to a computer where you can charge it or save your data. Once you save the data you can compare it with other rides or with others data.

You got also a manual and a CD but in most of the cases those are not needed as the menu is simple and user-friendly. There is also the possibility to choose the color when you buy one.

Garmin Edge 500 Bundle is also easy to mount on the bike, your bodyor to switch it between two bikes.



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