Can Fernando Torres’s injury affect Liverpool?


Fernando Torres is currently one of the worlds most gifted and talented football players.The Spanish striker has proved himself to be an important man, and many times decided the match on his own.After moving from Atletico Madrid ,where he did more than just impress the fans, to Liverpool on 30 mil fee,Fernando proved himself and became one of Liverpool‘s top man, being a decisive factor in the team’s evolution.


He has scored so many times and won so many points for his team at Liverpool that he became irreplaceable.Unfortunately Fernando Torres got injured and we’ll miss the next three important matches, against Wigan Athletic, Athletico Madrid in Champions League, and Chelsea.So the question now is will Liverpool be able to cope with this situation, and how important Torres‘s missing will be for the Liverpool fans?Is Liverpool strong enough without Torres or, is it the kind of team that depends on only one player?

Since Rafa Benitez said that he is very disappointed loosing Torres,it seems that Liverpool fans can worry about the next matches, and start questioning whether the management should consider transferring more world class players rather than having to depend on just one like Torres.



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